smoking health risks – Are You Aware of the Facts?

smoking health risks

“smoking health risks”

Since smoking became popular, and more people have the habit, many countries have tried to reduce smoking rates smoking health risks. Why? Because time passes, we discover the health risks of smoking. As the health risks are increasing, governments established campaigns against snuff to inform people about the health risks of smoking smoking health risks.

health risks with smoking.

Are you aware of these risks? Even if you do not smoke, are affected by smoking. So read the following facts smoking health risks.

health risks with smoking how to ?

A health risk snuff consumption is lung cancer smoking health risks. Smoking has been linked to 87% of the cases of lung cancer in the United States.

People who have smoked at some point in their lives have 1 in 10 chance of developing lung cancer smoking health risks smoking health risks.

health risks with smoking what to do ?

If you continue to smoke, the risk increases of 1-6. Secondhand smoke increases the risk of lung cancer for nonsmokers to 20-30% smoking health risks.

health risks with smoking the best way..

Other cancers are caused by smoking. Some of them are cancers of the esophagus, larynx cancer, pancreatic cancer and oral cavity cancer smoking health risks. Cancer is caused by smoking, because carcinogenic and multiage substances in cigarette smoke smoking health risks.

Another health risk snuff consumption is heart disease and stroke. Nicotine can cause narrowing of blood vessels that can lead to heart attack and stroke. A smoker under 40 are five times more likely to have a heart attack smoking health risks.

health risks with smoking that like :

Secondhand smoke increases the risk of heart disease in non-smokers of 25-30% smoking health risks.

health risks with smoking for life :

Smoking also causes emphysema and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease due to long-term exposure to harmful substances in smoke smoking health risks, such as carbon monoxide and cyanide.

health risks with smoking the best.

Other health risks from the consumption of snuff are tuberculosis smoking health risks, invasive pneumonic disease, chronic bronchitis, colds, smoker’s cough, lung tar and other lung diseases and respiratory infections smoking health risks.

Besides putting their health at smoking health risks, who put his life in danger, too smoking health risks. The life expectancy of a smoker is reduced from 2.5 to 10 years. And every smoke is equal to losing 11 minutes of your life smoking health risks.

Stop putting your life and the people around you at risk! Quitting smoking now!
that the best way to do smoking health risks.

smoking health risks – Are You Aware of the Facts?

health risks, smoking health, smoking health risks

via 1betterof